Audio Powerhouse 2017 (pt 1)

  • 19/05/2017
  • 13:00 - 16:00
  • BBC R&D, Dock House MediaCity UK Salford, M50 2LH

This is part 1 of a special "future gazing" two day event.

BBC Research & Development


  • Venue Explorer
  • Object based media work
  • Listening room/sound studio
  • VR (with reference to binaural sound)

The job of BBC R&D is to help the BBC understand more about what different technologies might offer their audience, and to influence and contribute to developments in technology, from editorial, through to production, distribution and consumption. We plan for you to encounter:

An application to interactively explore ultra-HD panoramic video of a live event, which allows users to zoom into areas of interest, automatically re-mix audio and add live data overlays.

The most up to date Virtual Reality
This intensely immersive experience for the audience presents new challenges and levels of excitement for content creation and delivery.

Project Orpheus
 A European research project to develop, implement and validate a new end-to-end object-based media chain for audio content.