Audio Powerhouse 2017 (pt 2a)

  • 20/05/2017
  • 09:00 - 12:00
  • University of Salford, The Crescent, Salford, M5 4WT

This is part 2a of a special "future gazing" two day event.

University of Salford Acoustic Labs

(Prof Trevor Cox)

Photo anechoic chamber

  • Head tracking audio
  • Wave field synthesis
  • Anechoic chambers
  • Acoustic labs
  • Making Sense of Sound, and listening tests

Visit the Acoustic Labs

and listen to their work and experiments, including the anechoic chamber.

Waveform Synthesis

Experience in-depth demonstrations of and other technologies and then get involved with 2 research projects...

Spatial Audio  and  Making Sense of Sound

i.e. trying to understand what features of a recording give rise to a particular response e.g. what feature of a dog bark leads a human to think the animal is happy, sad, anxious etc. It is the sort of thing sound designers seem to do intuitively when choosing which particular sounds to use on a track.