*** POSTPONED *** Ambisonics with John Leonard

  • 19/03/2020
  • 19:00 - 22:00
  • The Cinema Museum, 2 Dugard Way, Prince's, London SE11 4TH


  • Registration is free for Members
  • £5 tickets are available for Non-Members


Unfortunately due to the venue closing for the foreseeable future while the current situation continues, we are having to postpone next week's planned Ambisonics event. We are hoping to hold this event in the near future once the situation improves, but until then huge apologies from everyone at the IPS. 

The IPS are proud to host John Leonard discussing Ambisonics

 "This talk will provide a brief canter through the history of Ambisonics and then concentrate of some of the microphones available today from the very cheapest to the most expensive and how to avoid the pitfalls in using them in a busy multi-disciplinary sound world. There will be no jargon and no maths! A variety of microphones will be available for examination and there will be audio examples and web-links to more information and sounds"

John is a self confessed enthusiastic amateur who "who once had more money than sense and now has a few more Ambisonic microphones than is really necessary", but he hopes to infect you with a desire to experiment with Ambisonics in away that won't break the bank!

The event will take place at the Cinema Museum on March 19th from 7pm.

There is a bar and cafe at the venue for snacks and beverages.

Registration is closed.
£5 payments by Non-Members will be refunded.