Emergency First Aid in the Workplace (1 day course)

  • 28/09/2024
  • 10:00 - 17:00
  • Cromer Studios, Holy Cross Church, Cromer Street, London. WC1H 8HU


Registration is closed

Do you know what to do as a first responder if someone on location or in the office has an accident or medical emergency?

Many staff workers get the opportunity to learn first aid through their employer, but for freelancers this is not so easy. This is a one day course which will give you a QA Level 3 Emergency First Aid at Work qualification, valid for 3 years.

This qualification is designed for individuals who wish to act as an emergency first aider in their workplace or anybody who feels the need to be able to respond to others. Upon successful completion of the course, candidates will be equipped with the essential skills needed to give safe, prompt and effective first aid in emergency situations.

Whats covered:
* The roles and responsibilities of an emergency first aider
* Assessing an incident
* Managing an unresponsive casualty
* CPR and defibrillation
* Recovery Position
* Choking
* Seizures
* Shock
* Wounds and bleeding
* Minor injuries
* Cuts, grazes and bruises
* Minor burns and scalds

This course is a members only benefit and the cost is £75. If you are self-employed that cost and any other assosiated costs (travel, meals, etc) can probably be set against your business tax bill (but please check with your accountant).

Attendance is limited to 12 people. A waitlist will be in operation on this booking site if it is oversubscribed. Full additional information will be emailed to all succefull registratnts.

This is our first time running a first aid course for members and this session will be in central London, but please contact us if you would like a course run in your area or if you are interested but cannot attend on this date. We would be happy to arrange courses on different dates and in other parts of the UK, if there is sufficient member interest.